
Career Leverage – Why Choose to Work With a Recruiter



Career success begins with finding the right job for you. When the time comes to begin the job-hunt, whether you’re looking for your first career or looking for a career change, many of us get caught up trying to figure out what to do after step one. You have the resume, you’ve applied for jobs, so why have you not gotten the job yet?

We are trained to believe that there is a process everyone must go through in life to reach financial success: school, degree, work, management, more work.  Seems simple enough, yet we struggle the most with the transition between the degree and work, then again with, work and management. We get stuck in ‘school-mode’ and again in ‘work-mode’ – lacking connections or leverage to advance in our career to reach success. That’s when working with a Recruiter comes in.

Recruiters are your friends; they’re the best/most important relationship you can have. Not only do they have the connections you need, they work with you and your skills to find the best career for you to reach success. Aligning yourself with a recruiter is the best way to gain career leverage. When you have career leverage, you have power and the ability to take control over your own career path – instead of following the pattern drilled into us. Aside from the personable relationship you’ll build with your recruiter, the best part of working with a recruiter is they can help put you 5-8 years ahead of your peers.

We’ve all heard the old saying “timing is everything”, but when it comes to your career its about who you know and who they know. Working with a recruiter is the quickest way to success – other than inheriting the family business. If you’ve outgrown a position in your career, a recruiter can help you find a position that allows you to continue growing and perform at your best. Recruiters are here to guide you, advise, and help you. It’s not just shuffling another card into a deck; it’s placing you in the right spot, at the right time. Recruiters are here to help you find the best possible position that fits you and your career path.

When it comes to leveraging your career, working with a recruiter can positively and strongly impact your success. And when your peers ask you how you did it, your answer will be, “my recruiter, and here’s their number”.