
Vice President of TriStaff shares one of his success stories.


Vice President of Media, Alex Papike, recently made a successful placement for a client here at TriStaff. Last month Alex began to search for a Marketing Director for a newspaper client in Tennessee. The search began on a Tuesday – on Thursday he reached a woman in a similar position at a different newspaper, about ninety miles from the current newspaper client.

The woman had expressed an interest in learning about the opportunity TriStaff had to offer from our client. Her mother and daughter both live in the town where the position was located, and coincidentally she was traveling there to visit them the next day. At the time, she was not looking for a new position nor did she have an updated resume, but Alex reached out to his client and arranged for them to meet with the candidate for coffee on Saturday morning.

By the end of their coffee meeting, the newspaper client made an offer to our candidate.

“Sometimes it can happen very quickly and it’s important to recognize that the perfect job, or the perfect candidate, may be the first one that you see,” Alex Papike.