
What to do to Prepare for Your Interview. 


Once you’ve landed the interview, it’s essential to prepare. Preparation is the first key step towards a successful interview. It seems pretty straight forward to ‘prepare for your interview’, but you would be surprised by the number of company interviewers that are continually amazed by the amount of candidates who arrive in their offices without any apparent preparation and only the vaguest idea of what they are going to say.

When preparing for your interview it is important to:

  1. Know the exact place and time of the interview.
  2. Know the name of whom you will be interviewing with
    1. You are going to see their exact title
  3. Do your research.
    1. Find out specific facts about the company – look up their web site, how long they have been in business, what the products or services are, what the growth has been, if they have other locations (and where), what the financial history is, and what their future is.
  4. Know the facts and figures of your current/former employer
  5. Prepare questions that you will ask during the interview.
    1. Remember, an interview is a two-way street.
    2. The interviewer will try to determine through questioning if you have the qualifications for the position.You must determine through questioning whether the company will give you the opportunity for the growth and development you seek. 
  6. Potential probing questions to ask:
    • … A detailed description of the position?
    • … What is the number one priority of this position?
    • … What goals (short and long term) are set for this position?
    • …. What obstacles would prevent an individual from being successful?
    • …. Why is this position available?
    • …. What are the backgrounds of people that have done well in this position?
    • …. What are the companies’s short and long range objectives?
    • …. What corporate culture/management style currently exists within the organization?
    • …. What is the criteria for evaluating my performance?
    • …. What is the career path for a proven performer?
  7. Prepare extra copies of your resume.
  8. Plan your attire.
    1. Dress appropriately, conservatively, and preferably in darker colors. Remember, you can never over dress.