
How To Write the Perfect Cover Letter


The most common mistake people make is writing an overly emphasized script about themselves as a cover letter, instead of directing their cover letter to the company they are applying to. Your cover letter should be a genuine demonstration of your interest in the company you are applying to and what you can do to help them with your expertise and skill-set.


Here’s how to write the perfect cover letter that highlights you and why you would be an asset to the company while showing your genuine interest for the company.


1- Keep it short and sweet.

Your cover letter should fit into the 1 minute rule. Don’t over-highlight yourself or the company. Your cover letter should be an introduction, keep it short and sweet. If you can’t read your cover letter in 1 minute, it’s too long.


2- Don’t repeat your entire resume.

When you are introducing yourself to someone new, don’t give them your entire background, give them a brief overview and highlight your best skills. Your cover letter should highlight two or three skills from the job description that match your resume.


3- Directly address your cover letter.

Open your cover letter with a direct address to the hiring manager or recruiter. By addressing them personally you are showing that you’ve spent time researching the company and the position. Would you rather read a letter that started with, to whom it may concern or one that starts with your name?


4- Write a standout opening sentence.

If you have a witty personality, a witty opening sentence is not the worst idea here. “Looking for a marketing guru? Look no further”. Something that highlights you, but is also professional. Your opening sentence should standout, the hiring manager already knows what the position is your applying for, so no need to be boring by repeating that.


5- Proofread.

A sloppy cover letter reflects sloppy work. Proof read your cover letter for spelling and grammar, multiple times. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a second set of eyes look it over before submitting.