

email follow

When your interview comes to an end, you’ll thank your interviewer and they’ll thank you for your time. Don’t leave the thank you-s here; you should always follow-up with a thank you letter after your interview. A follow-up letter is another easy way to show how interested you are in the position; this is your last impression on the employer. Why should they hire you? Here’s how to write the perfect follow-up letter after your interview.


Your follow-up letter should be sent in email form and you should send your follow-up letter within 24 hours of your interview, during the company’s traditional business hours – 8am to 3pm. Your interview doesn’t end when you leave the building, it ends when you hear back from the employer. Following up within 24 hours of your interview highlights your interest in the position.



Dear Mr./Ms. _________,


I wanted to reach out and thank you again for the time you spent with me (this afternoon/ this morning/ yesterday). Thank you for the opportunity to interview for (job title) I enjoyed speaking with you, and learning more about the position. I am very interested in this position and feel I can make a valuable contribution to the (name of company) team.


The (job title) feels like a great match between my skills and experience, and the requirements of the job. Our conversation about (something specific you discussed in the interview that they will remember you by), It was very helpful to understand (same thing that you specifically mentioned). After discussing this, I am convinced that (name of company) is the place I want to (begin/continue) my career.


Again, I appreciate the opportunity to have interviewed with (name of company), and the time you spent with me. I am looking forward to hearing your decision. In the meantime if there is any additional information you need, I will be happy to provide that for you.


Your Name

Email Address

Phone Number




Your follow-up letter should be direct and professional. Use professional language and avoid slang, your word choice should reflect the business environment of the job you are interviewing for. Mention something you discussed during your interview that they will remember you by. Emphasis that you appreciate the opportunity, in a professional tone, and thank them for their time, as well as the chance to meet with them.