
Sunday blues? Check out these tips to see if your career is right for you.



You deserve to be excited to show up to work, almost everyday. Passion leads to success; because when you love what you do, odds are you’re going to do more of it! So if you’re turning to Self-Help books and online quizzes trying to find out if you’re in the right career or not, here are a few signs that you are.

1. You talk about work outside of work.
When you love what you do and you’re good at it, you’ve earned the bragging rights. If you find yourself talking positively about your work outside of work, you’re probably excited about what you’re doing at work and definitely on the right path.

2. Monday mornings are fixed with a few shots of caffeine.
Getting back into your weekly routine can be a bit difficult after a vacation or relaxing weekend. Even though you may need an extra cup of coffee or two, you still don’t relate to all the #IHateMonday pictures your Facebook friends posted this morning.

3. Your To-Do List is never quite finished.
Some see the glass half empty others see it half full. If you have a to-do list you always seem to be adding one more thing to, it’s a good thing. Your workload should not constantly send you into overwhelm. Your to-do list reflects your work, and the more passionate you are about your job the more work you’ll have.

4. Money is a bonus.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can help. Your salary does not define you as a person. If you love what you do, the money you make from your career is just an added bonus.

5. You see growth and potential.
It’s easy to become stagnant and comfortable in our jobs. When you’re on the right career path you can see the possibilities the future holds for the job. You talk about your job in future terms and have goals that you want to accomplish within your career field.

If you’re feeling a little lost in your career, remember its okay to have bad days. These 5 tips should help you decide if your career is the right one for you or not!