
New year, new goals, the best you. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost sight of your New Year’s resolutions by the time Spring rolls in? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Here’s how to keep your New Year’s resolutions year round.


  1. Start small:
    It’s great to set big goals but it’s also helpful to set small ones. For example, if your goal is to get in better shape, start by going to the gym two or three times a week and work your way up to longer more frequent workouts.
  2. Change one behavior at a time:
    Don’t get overwhelmed and think you have to do everything at once. Goals and resolutions do not need to immediately be life altering. Remember, you have all year to complete your goals.
  3. Be positive with yourself:
    It takes 21 days to break a habit and 66 days to form a new one. We aren’t striving for perfection here; we’re just trying to be a better person. Resolve and recover, you got this.
  4. Ask for support:
    Talk about your goals to friends and family. Having a support system will help you achieve your goals. For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier tell your partner so both of you can be on the same meal plan.
  5. Stay motivated:
    It’s easy to get caught up in daily stressors and lose sight of your goals. Keep yourself motivated with a calendar or friendly reminders to yourself. Try a post-it-note on your bathroom mirror with a friendly message. You can do it JRemember, your in this to be a better YOU.