
It’s difficult to leave our work-stress at the office. Do you check your email on the weekend? Is your job taking away your free time? Check these 4 tips out.

1. The Burnt-Out Feeling
Have you noticed that you are constantly drained? You don’t want to go out and enjoy your weekends, but would rather sleep the weekend away. The American Psychology Association found that job stress can cause you to feel mentally drained or burnt out. You are not getting paid to stress at home. When the weekend comes, take the time to yourself and enjoy life! Start taking short breaks at work to recuperate. Remind yourself that you are not the only one working for this company. Remove the stress of the world from your shoulders.

2. The “How will I get everything done” Break Down
4 a.m. on a Sunday morning and you’re awake thinking about how much work you have to get done this week at work instead of sleeping in. If you feel like you have a never-ending workload, it might be time to do some reorganizing. Ever heard of a “To-Do” list? When you first get into the office, write out a list of things you need to get done for the day and week, and prioritize them by deadlines. Staying organized can help you remove the overwhelming thought of not having enough time to get everything done; and will allow you to enjoy your time off.

3. The Email Addict
Having your work email synced to your phone has its benefits, but it also forces you to take your work home with you. This also makes it harder to leave your work-stress at the office. Did you know in Spain workers are entitled to a weekly minimum rest time of one and a half uninterrupted days (a.k.a the weekend)? This means an employer contacting you outside of your work-week is prohibited. Turn-off your work email notifications so you are not constantly being reminded of everything you need to do at the office.

5. The Weekly Complaining Co-Worker
It’s great to have friends at the office! Having people you can talk in the office throughout your day is a great way to be happy at work. Hanging out with your co-workers outside of the office can also lead to happiness in the office; but when you’re hanging out with your co-workers and all you do is complain about work, you are bringing your work-stress home with you. If you’re going to keep hanging out outside the office, find another common interest besides your job. Try to keep work out of the conversation.