
Whether you like it or not, more and more employers are turning to social media when considering job applicants. Do you think your social media is affecting your job search? With over 1.5 billion Facebook users, it’s easy for an employer to do a quick Facebook look over before calling you in for an interview.

Here’s how to present your Facebook profile as professional in 4 simple steps.


1. Check your privacy settings.

First and foremost, check your privacy settings. Everything from who can view what on your profile, to the pictures you are tagged in. Make sure that people you are not connected with on Facebook see your profile as professional, rather than what you did last weekend.


2. Fill in the blanks.

Your Facebook profile is designed just like a resume; with places for you to fill in your work experience, education, location, and a summary of skills. Have you gotten a notification from Facebook saying you have missing pieces from your profile? If you have, listen to them! If you haven’t, filling in the missing pieces of your profile is easy. Simply go to your personal profile and update your information, just like the information you would put on your resume.

3. Check your pictures.

When it comes to your profile picture and cover photo, its best to keep it professional. Your profile picture should be a ‘head-shot’ type photo, being only of you and a picture to put a face to the resume you just submitted to the employer. Your cover photo can show off your personality. Don’t go crazy with this one, but it can show off a little bit of who you are. Do you like the beach? Or hiking? Choose a picture you took for your cover photo.

4. Create a Professional Facebook Page.

Are you worried about mixing your work life with your personal life? Creating a Facebook Page is a great way to keep that from happening. Fill this out as if it were a resume. Include all your professional information such as your work experience, education, location, contact information, and a professional profile picture.