
Social Media and your Job Search told through Stephen Colbert GIFs

Have you been hunting for a job for what seems like forever? You’ve read all the articles on how to perfect your resume and LinkedIn profile, but yet you can’t seem to land the interview. It may be time to evaluate your social media presence. We live in a digital age, and you can bet that your potential employer or recruiter is leaving no stone unturned – this goes for your social media accounts as well. Learn how your social media presence can positively or negatively influence your career.

Social Media is a key factor in the hiring process today.

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LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ have changed the way we Social Network. Believe it or not, recruiters and employers now have the ability to use Social Networking sites – or applications – as a ‘background check’. Don’t be surprised if you get a friend request from someone who already works for the company you’ve applied to. 




Is your account private or public?


Have you checked your privacy settings on all of your Social Media accounts? This goes for tagged pictures too. It’s okay to share your feelings and memories with all of your friends on Social Media, but make sure your profile is set to private. You don’t want your potential employer to see your #YOLO side just yet, no matter how patriotic you may be. You want to show just enough on your social media profile to show you can be professional when necessary.



Having a social media presence vs. Not having a social media presence.

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We’ve emerged from the Stone Age and entered the Digital Age. Knowing that, it can be more harmful to have zero social media presence versus a bad one. Everyone has cyber stalked someone. Your social media accounts entail who you are. They allow you to present yourself to be the best you possible. Since we rely so much on social media, employers and recruiters can use your accounts to establish a line of credibility before placing you in a job.


Social media helps you stay connected.

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Social Media can help you with your job search. You can search for jobs on all your social networking websites and you can stay in the loop with new job postings by following corporate accounts or recruiting firms.