
Not sure how to highlight your skills on your resume? You’ve come to the right place.



When a recruiter or hiring manager takes less than two-minutes to scan over your resume, you need to highlight your skills in order to grasp their attention. Your resume should be viewed as a pre-interview. This is your chance to get them to notice you. How should you highlight your skills and talents? What if your skills and talents are not as exciting on paper as you make them seem in person? We’re here to answer all your questions and teach you how to make your skills stand out.

Your resume should be as Accomplish Oriented as possible. When deciding which job-achievements to include in your resume, write out everything you have accomplished in your career within the last 5-10 years. Now, you do not need to include every task you have completed into on your resume; select 4-5 of your best accomplishments. If you’re having trouble deciding which accomplishments to include, ask yourself what you would brag to your friends about.

Depending on which career-field you are in, some skills can be more important than others. It’s better to be specific than sorry. Pretend you’re in the tech field, highlighting that you are experienced with specificprogramming applications, or which Java platform you have worked with before, is crucial.

Remember, recruiters and hiring managers already know what they are looking for in their candidates. Luckily, they’ll leave you subtle hints in the job ad. If a job listing has a ‘qualifications’ section, read it carefully and include all the skills you have that match the job ad.

If a recruiter or hiring manager is only taking 120 seconds to skim your resume, it’s best to consider your resume format before submitting. After your contact information, a skill summary is a great place to feature your qualifications, skills, and accomplishments. Keep in mind; this is a summary to keep them reading, not your entire list of accomplishments turned into one paragraph.

By highlighting your skills and accomplishments in your resume, you are sure to get the attention of any recruiter or hiring manager!

Are you in need of a little extra help with your job search? Check out our latest job postings or give us a call today!
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