
Pre-Interview Anxiety? No problem. Check out our tips to help you calm your nerves before your interview.


When you feel nervous it typically affects your performance. If you’re feeling anxious or nervous about your upcoming job interview, you are not alone. Business professionals, athletes, political leaders all have experienced some sort of anxiety in their life. Nerves are completely normal. But, its what you do with your nerves and how you handle them that determine your performance. Don’t let your pre-game jitters be too consuming and get the best of you. Here are a few things to do to get a handle on your nerves and anxiety to help you ace your next interview.
1. Be prepared.

  1. Plan ahead and do your research about the company you are interviewing with.
  2. Read over your resume and be familiar with all the information you’ve included.
  3. Know the location of the interview and plan for the worst driving conditions when deciding how long to give yourself to get to your interview.


 2. Practice makes perfect.

  1. Think of potential questions you could be asked during your interview and have a friend, recruiter, or family member help you with a mock-interview.


 3. Understand that nerves are 100% normal, and okay.

  1. Feeling anxious is part of being human. It shows that you are excited for the interview and the possibilities in can bring on. Take a few deep breaths and try to relax.


 4. Be confident in yourself.

  1. You’ve already landed the interview, which means the employer saw something in you that stood out. Be confident in your talent, abilities, and knowledge. You got this.


 5. Stay away from caffeine.

  1. Caffeine gives you the extra boost of energy you need in the morning, but on the day of your interview stray away from caffeine. Your nerves will give you the adrenaline rush your body needs naturally.

Follow these tips and you’ll be starting that new job before you know it!